Custom DEX Aggregator

This tool will be deprecated soon. We recommend to use the newest ---DexSwap---to create new white label DEX aggregators.

Entrepreneurs can also deploy their own custom DEX Aggregator platform and earn revenues for each swap/trade that any person makes, from WordPress or from the wizard included in the SuperApp.

Creating a custom DSWAP from the wizard

Enter the SuperApp and connect your ERC-20 wallet. If you don’t have one, you can create one here using your Google, Twitter, or Discord credentials. After logged in press the button in the upper left corner to display the menu. There you will find a section called “My Apps”. Go to the option under “Manage”. (Or just click here to go straight)

On this page you will see, in the center, a list with the DexKit applications that you have already deployed and, on the right, you will find the wizard to deploy your DEX aggregator.
Press the add button indicated in the image to continue.

In the “General” section you will find…

  • Name: this is the name that your custom DEX Aggregator will have. It can be the name of your token (if you have one), your community, or anything else creative you can think of. It’s up to you.

  • Logo and Dark Logo: enter the URL of your brand logos. Try to make it an image with square proportions (for example 128×128) so that it looks great on your interface.

  • Domain: this is the website where your custom DEX Aggregator will be hosted. It's recommended to use CloudFlare to manage your domain and DNS.

  • Buy token percentage: this will be your fee for each trading operation that your clients do in your swap. 0.3% is the default number but you can go higher or lower. Remember that one of the main features of your custom DEX aggregator is the low fees hunting, so try to be fair to keep this feature alive in your project.

  • Commission recipient: place your ERC-20 wallet here in which you will receive the cryptocurrencies that your custom DEX Aggregator will generate. It must be the same one that contains the mandatory 500 KIT to earn trade fees from your clients. You can also deploy your aggregator with this tool without having a KIT, but you will not receive those trade fees.

  • Default slippage: This will be the default slippage rate for your aggregator. Leave it at 1 for best performance.

If you have tokens deployed, add the addresses for each available network. Leave the default ones to use KIT as the native currency of your platform.

When you finish, hit the orange “Next” button to continue.

Now choose your brand colors for your custom DEX Aggregator. Keep in mind that this is the basic framework of operations, so you will be able to customize the whole aspect of your product if you have technical knowledge about it. When you finish choosing the colors.

Now hit the «Finish» orange button. Optional: You can copy the WordPress code in the option highlighted in red to deploy the app in your WP installation.

Once all the basic aspects have been chosen, it is time to press the orange “Submit” button to create the contract. You will have an interaction with your wallet that you must accept.

When wallet interaction appears, you will need to pay gas fees.

Congratulations! By now you have your custom DEX aggregator created and configured to your liking. Now, within the “My Apps” section you will be able to see your aggregator in the list.

It is time to deploy it by clicking on the “Deploy” button highlighted in green color.

This action will create a domain for your app in a matter of seconds. Press YES and accept the interaction with your wallet. Wait a few seconds for the approval message.

Wait patiently... we're almost done! 😎

Upon receiving this message you will already have your DEX aggregator created. Now you need to validate in order to authenticate it. This is one of the latest steps but no less important. Keep reading, you are close to achieving it.

The next step will be redirect your CNAME/Alias. Keep reading 👀

Creating your CNAME/Alias

It’s almost ready, but we need now to finish the last part! Now go to the control panel of your hosting provider to configure the DNS that points to your aggregator. Let’s take a look at the options you need to fill out. They are basically the same for all web hosting providers. Go to the DNS management option at your hosting service provider and keep reading.

In this scenario, we use CloudFlare to deploy the test.

You must configure a new CNAME or ALIAS (highlighted in red color) that names and relates your DEX aggregator to your website.

In the second option, highlighted in yellow color, you must input the name (in this case it will be a subdomain within the main website, for example, if your site is the subdomain must be

The third option, highlighted in green color, place the target or objective that is address of your web application the one that appears in the “My Apps” section and looks like mysterious-rynocero-….

Your CNAME/ALIAS should look like this.

After this part, your custom DEX Aggregator should be displayed and you will now be able to earn cryptocurrencies making your friends, community or colleagues trade their tokens there.

For WordPress Installation (Optional)

Copy the WordPress short code from your App dashboard and paste it in the shortcode snippet right in your page if you have a WP powered website.

Add a new block and choose «Shortcode» one to paste yours.

After pasting the code should look like this. Save and publish your changes.

And voilà! ✨ Like magic! 🧙‍♂️ You can open your DEX Aggregator straight in the link of and start your journey thru crypto! 🚀

Last updated