DApp ownership

Designers and entrepreneurs will be able to trade the templates they have created and earn money from them.


We know that time is money, and that is why we devised another functionality for this product that allows anyone to mint and trade the templates that have created for their DApps.

By minting an NFT (non-fungible token) that contains all the information about the specific design, this tool is a fresh breeze for thousands of freelancers who are looking to spend their free time productively learning progressively and selling their work for crypto.

Designers will be able to specify how many copies want for the specific design and later trade them as NFTs.

Simultaneously the user will be able to create the digital art for that specific template using natural language, as explained in this section of the documentation, and also the user can hide the footer of their designs in a simple way, just ticking the «Hide powered by DexKit» option

Let's take action, and explain in more detail how you–and everyone else–can benefit from this new functionality.

Technical Features

Available blockchains

Users can mint their NFT templates on Polygon network only.

Token type

The mint call will create an ERC-721: Non-Fungible Token in the connected wallet.


  1. Designer must have 1,000 KIT holdings in the connected wallet. We placed this amount to avoid system abusers, also to engage holders in governance and several other activities into our project.

  2. Gas token will be sponsored by DexKit: the user does not need to have a gas token in Polygon ($MATIC). Gas will be subsidized by the team.

  3. Your creative design: The idea is that you generate an NFT that will help others to start their digital business. Create a quality template using DexAppBuilder (include third-party integrations with custom sections) and you'll see how it will sell more easily. We've documented that product here on Creating my first DApp.

Using the custom HTML / script widgets inside the custom section will allow maximum level of customization. High levels of access require high levels of responsibility, so be careful with this section.

Getting started

Assuming you've already created a great design to sell and you're in your product settings, click on the "Ownership" tab in the General section.

Tip: You can use camera models, lenses and aperture details (plus colored filters) to make the draw even cooler and realistic 📸

An interaction with your wallet will appear asking you to allow the transaction on the Polygon blockchain. Accept it, and wait a little until you get this modal below 👇

At this moment, your NFT was successfully created and minted in the blockchain! 🎉

To see your recently created NFT just click on "View NFT" button and hold on few seconds until load. It can take 5-10 seconds to appear.

If you clicked on "View NFT" and waited you will see your recently minted template! 🥳

Editing your template NFT

As the system reminded you in previous steps, you can edit your template NFT if you still owning it. In the case you lost the ownership sending it to another wallet you won't have edition power anymore and you won't be able to use that design.

True ownership is the main rule here. The owner of the NFT will be the only one holding that specific design.

Editing Site Metadata

Visit the site metadata tab (general section – ownership) and fill all the blanks for your site as the example below:

You can use Markdown as well for the site description

Selling your template NFT

You can sell your NFT on any existing centralized marketplace supported by Polygon. Here below some screenshots from a template NFT in the most popular centralized marketplaces:

This is your NFT in OpenSea 🤯 looks magnificent!
and here is on Rarible looking great as well 😎


This section will be upgraded with community feedback and common questions. At the moment, the ones below are the most important to answer:

  • Question: In which blockchain network should I hold the necessary 1,000 KIT? Answer: You can hold your KIT on any network. The system will scan your wallet looking for any of the three KIT contracts, so you will be able to hold on Ethereum, BNB chain or Polygon.

  • Question: Where can I buy $KIT? Answer: Our token is decentralized traded mostly. This means that you need to buy from any decentralized protocol that allows our token. We made it easy for you to buy KIT clicking here. This link will send you to our DEX aggregator, where you can connect your DeFi wallet, choose your favorite network and buy the KIT tokens right there.

If you're using DSWAP to buy KIT you don't need to double-check contracts, but if you're using other DeFi protocol we recommend you to check here for the official KIT contracts. Always do the complete homework! 😎

  • Question: Can I generate as many images as I want using natural language? Answer: We regret to tell you that this is not possible since the API we use is OpenAI (Dall-E 2) and each request made to it, regardless of the result, will count against the user's credits.

  • Question: And how many credits do I have? How can I know that? Answer: You will have 50 (fifty) monthly credits to generate digital collectibles (aka NFTs) on any of our products. This counts also for the ---DexGenerator--- and the platform will show later how much credits are left in your wallet for the current period.

  • Question: Can I buy more credits? Answer: Yes, sure! You just need to enter in our Discord server or our contact section for more privacy.

Hiding DexKit signature

For those looking to hide the DexKit signature in the footer of their DApp you can do so by checking the box at the end of the Ownership section. This functionality will be exclusive to holders of 1,000 $KIT tokens.

Why should I use this feature?

  • You are a DeFi user who loves to be in control of everything, including the design of your DApp.

  • You are a web/graphic designer looking to generate a cryptocurrency income and you think you are talented enough to sell your digital work.

  • You know a lot of people because you are in the crypto world and you know that you can make good money selling your designs to them.

  • You love beta products and want to try them out to give feedback to the team.

For any other reason you may have, we are very happy to bring you this new tool that is certainly another income stream that you could have.

Last updated