Gated content

We have developed the “OnlyFans” for Web3. Learn how to use this new tool to provide exclusive content to your customers and subscribers.

Introducing the innovative Gated Content tool, designed to elevate the delivery of exclusive content to discerning subscribers, much like the renowned OnlyFans platform. With millions of users engaging in content creation through monthly subscriptions, DexKit's groundbreaking tool bridges the gap between creators and their dedicated Web3 audience.

Harnessing the power of decentralized technologies, this tool revolutionizes payment efficiency, surpassing the limitations of conventional FIAT payment systems. Bid farewell to credit cards and obscure databases, as blockchains' inherent transparency takes center stage.

Through this cutting-edge tool, your subscribers gain access to carefully curated content, tailored to your specifications and rules, all conveniently configured within your application. Imagine creating a captivating collection of NFTs functioning as access cards, or seamlessly incorporating an existing collection, even exploring other 0x-compatible tokens for added versatility.

Getting started

To explore this functionality it is necessary to have created a DApp using DexAppBuilder. Assuming this is the case, let's move on.

Click here to go directly to the instructions for creating your first DApp.

To start exploring the Gated Content tool you must visit your admin dashboard at DexKit's platform and edit your DApp (here are the instructions for editing an existent DApp).

Navigate to «Pages» section at the left menu (step 1 in the picture below). You will be able to see the main page of your DApp with all the components you're using there. Now hit on the «+ Create new page» button (as we shown as second step) to create your first page. Remember to give it a proper name. We will use the "Alternative" page or this purpose.

Now click on the padlock icon at the left of the red recycle bin to access into Gated Content conditions as we shown below 👇

Once you clicked in the padlock you will see the following page without any condition as long is new. Lets click in the "+ Add Condition" button to see which ones we have available:

Now you will see a new modal or window open on your screen asking you for some information that we will cover in detail:

Gated conditions for NFTs

The first type of condition possible is through NFTs. To do this you must choose, as in the photo below, the "Collection" option, but not before first importing all the collections that you are going to use, as we show you here in the documentation.

If you leave the token ID empty the holder of any NFT from that specific collection will be able to see the content on this page. Once you finished here, click on the blue "Save" button.

ERC-20 Token gated conditions

Let's add an ERC-20 token condition now in addition to the NFT one 👇

  • After selecting "Coin" you now need to select which one from the drop-down list in the center. This list will show all the tokens you have previously imported.

  • Set the amount of tokens required for your visitors to meet this condition.

  • After filling all the required fields, lets hit on the blue «Save» button

You will now see both conditions in the list highlighted in green and separated by the OR condition, which can be AND if you require it 👇

Now hit on the blue "Save" button and confirm. Wait for the success modal as shown below:

Change gated conditions layout

You can customize the screen shown to visitors of your gated content using images (in light and dark mode) and a custom message. To get there you must select the layout tab (highlighted in green) 👇

At this moment you will be able to use every tool and component inside DexAppBuilder to create your amazing gated content. Follow our guide or watch our YouTube video to learn how to create a custom page based on your needs.

We love our community's ideas and often help them bring them to life with our products, so if you need help with your project or idea, visit us on Discord! is our core team's favorite platform for communicating with clients in real time.

Last updated