Configuring teams
DApps creators will be able to invite their team members to operate the product by web3 authentication.
Last updated
DApps creators will be able to invite their team members to operate the product by web3 authentication.
Last updated
Its possible to delegate roles to certain ERC20 wallets in order to facilitate the administration of the DApps by several members of a team. The creator of the DApp (Super Admin) can do it easily, activating and deactivating certain accesses and functions for such members, thus generating different roles with different responsibilities.
This option can be administered from the «Teams» tab - Settings section.
Once inside the "Teams" tab we must press the blue "Add Member" button, which will take us to the modal to add a new team member 👇
In the form you must introduce the ERC20 address of the team member whom you want to delegate functions in your DApp. Once we add the address we press in the "SAVE" button.
Once you have added to your team member, press on the drop -down button as the green circle indicates in the illustration under the access to the administration of permits for a certain user 👇
In this section, all the permits are assigned and assigned to a certain user, which you can manipulate around your needs and to those of your project.
The next section contains the permits that can be assigned to users and a quick explanation to each of them.
Those in red color are critical and it is recommended that the Super Admin conserve for it, the yellow color ones represent medium severity because they allow permission holders to execute some actions that can change the operation of the product and those of green color that do not represent threats to the due operation of the product.
This member will be able to read all the configuration for this DApp.
Update General
This member will be able to edit all the options located in the General section at DexAppBuilder admin menu.
Update Marketplace Fees
This member can change the recipient and the percentage of this DApp, without taking into account the swap component.
Update Ownership
Update Theme
This member can change the topic of the DApp: predetermined colors, sources, and everything related to the appearance of it.
Update Menu
This member can modify the menu section for the upper (or main) bar of the DApp.
Update SEO
This member can modify the title, description and default image of the DApp for when the enriched link is shared.
Update Collections
This member may modify (add or delete) predetermined NFT collections for this DApp.
Read User Events
This member can visualize the DApp's event log (internal and external events).
Update Swap Fees
This member can change the recipient and the percentage of the swap component, without taking into account transactions with NFTs, which are managed by another permission.
Update Domain
This member can designate custom web domains.
Update Social Media
This member can add / modify predetermined social networks of the DApp, as well as add personalized links to external websites in the Footer.
Update Pages
This member can add / delete / modify pages in the DApp, as well as the components that contain them.
Update Footer Menu
This member can modify the footer menu that facilitates the navigation of visitors. In this menu links can also be added to external sites.
Update Analytics
This member can modify Google Analytics tag for this DApp.
Update Tokens
This member can add / delete / assign tokens to this DApp.
This member may influence the property of this product (creation of representative NFT) taking into account that the DApps can be transferred. for more information.