Managing deployed contracts

Managing Existing Contracts

  • Access the 'Manage Contracts' section from the main dashboard or the menu.

  • Here, you'll find a list of all your active and past contracts. Use the search and filter options to quickly locate specific contracts.

  • Check your deployed contracts and click in the ยซManageยป button to set the conditions of the specific contract, make amendments, among other options.

To explain effectively we will use Thirdweb's open source Edition Drop contract. Find more information about the contract by clicking here.

ยซManageยป button section

After clicking in this button, you will be redirected to the following screen:

General information regarding this contract

  • Name

  • Description

  • Network were was deployed

  • Image for this contract

  • Type of contract

  • Contract address (auto generated when deployed)

  • Link for the specific block explorer were this contract was deployed.

ยซMint NFTยป button

Pressing this button will trigger the ยซcreateยป or ยซmintยป NFT function that will send you to the following screen:

  • Name: fill the name for this specific NFT.

  • Description: Describe this NFT in detail. You can use the โ€œGenerate Image with AIโ€ feature to create an automated image based on the description you have placed. If you are not interested in using this generation function, don't worry! It is not obligatory.

In order to use the generative AI function, the user must hold 1,000 $KIT tokens in any of the supported networks. Check here for the official $KIT contracts.

  • Blue image silhouette: click on there and upload your image following the modal

  • ยซAdd attributeยป button: make this NFT special or rare among others from your collection and add several attributes or traits. This is helpful as well if your Edition Drop is focused on gaming or loyalty tiers.

  • ยซAdd NFTยป button: After you finished your first NFT you can click on there and keep adding NFTs as we did with the first one.

You will be able to mint 30 NFTs per batch. After you finished you can add more editing the contract.

Once you minted your NFTs, your contract dashboard should look like this:

Now lets click on the first NFT and lets review the options inside it:

To set the conditions for this specific NFT drop, please click on ยซAdd claim conditionยป button. Clicking there will open the following options:

  • Name: Place the name for this drop phase.

  • Start Time: this will be the date for this drop. Must be in a future date.

  • Wait in seconds: timeout before the release of this drop.

  • Total items to claim: How many NFTs will exist for this specific drop?

  • Total items to claim per wallet

  • Price for each item.

  • Search token: the token that you want to use for this specific drop. Check on how to import tokens in order to learn how to make them appear in this list.

After you finish filling all the data for your specific NFT, please click on the blue ยซCreate claim conditionsยป button and sign digitally with your wallet. Wait for the network confirmation (~10 seconds) and click on ยซback to NFT listยป navigation menu.

Set the claim conditions for the other NFTs you've created and voilร ! Your Edition Drop is completed!

Last updated