Doubts? Issues? You will find here the answer for the most common ones.

Q: Which crypto wallet should my clients use? A: Your clients needs to use Metamask wallet for now. We're working on more integrations but now Metamask leads in adoption.

Q: How much fees should I collect from my DSWAP clients? A: There is no limit for this, but a good practice is 1-3%.

Q: Why I cannot see my DEX aggregator, only the plain shortcode? A: Perhaps you have not yet entered your unique code purchased at Codecanyon. If yes, then go to DexKit's plugin section and check the code status. You should see "Plugin activated for domain xxxxxx.xxx with purchase code xxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx".

Q: Why my shortcode attributes aren't working? If you are facing this issue, and you confirmed that attributes are well filled, please try the follow options: A: - Open the page where the shortcode plugin is in incognito mode on the browser, this will load the plugin without cache. - Clear cache on browser and any other object cache that may cause malfunction (Cloudflare, Kinsta, W3, Fragment, among others). - Check WordPress permissions to access files from plugins.

Advanced support

If your issue is not above, head us in our Discord server, or any other of our contact channels.

Last updated